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What is Oral, Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery?

Oral, Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery is a department that applies the most appropriate treatment method to individuals by performing the necessary examination and diagnosis procedures for the correction of injuries, diseases or congenital disorders in the hard and soft tissues of the mouth, teeth and jaw regions, regardless of the age range of the individuals. .

Oral, Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery working areas are;

  • Tooth extraction (Normal or surgical intervention),
  • Dental and implant applications,
  • Diagnosis and treatment of traumatic dental and tissue injuries,
  • Treatment of post-impact jaw fractures,
  • Treatments of jaw joint diseases,
  • Diagnosis and treatment of cysts or tumors in the jaw,
  • Preprosthetic surgery and
  • It can be listed as bone augmentations.

What Diseases Is Maxillofacial Surgery Related To?

In addition to the teeth and jaw-related diseases in the mouth, Maxillofacial Surgery also carries out studies on the tongue, cheek, lip and salivary glands in the mouth, which are called soft tissues, and diagnosis and treatment processes are continued in this area when necessary.

This surgery department, which also deals with positions where the mouth is always abnormally open, such as difficulty in speaking, snoring, and noisy breathing, carries out diagnosis, examination and treatment processes according to the patient’s condition.

In addition, it deals with the treatment of damages, wounds and bone necrosis in the teeth, jaw or soft tissues in the mouth as a result of the side effects of drugs used in the treatment of different diseases such as cancer.

How are Surgical Procedures Performed in Treatments Applied in Maxillofacial Surgery and Who Applies this Treatment?

The treatment of the patient, who is diagnosed after the necessary examinations in the Maxillofacial Surgery department, can sometimes be eliminated by closely monitoring with standard examination procedures, while sometimes local or general anesthesia is performed in surgical procedures depending on the patient’s condition. In these procedures, sometimes conscious sedation is applied, so that people do not feel any pain, pain or excitement caused by the procedure while closely following the procedures.

Maxillofacial surgeons are physicians who apply the treatment processes of these diseases of the jaw and mouth, and also apply the necessary treatments in order to ensure the regular functioning of the jaw, mouth and teeth.

After graduating from the Faculty of Dentistry, Maxillofacial surgeons are the people who received specialization training in the Department of Oral, Dental, Maxillofacial Diseases and Maxillofacial Surgery and gained the title of specialist. Physicians who gain competence in this field enable the process to progress very quickly by making a detailed treatment planning while making a professional diagnosis to their patients.

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