Diş Beyazlatma & Bleaching

What is Teeth Bleaching?

Permanent color changes can be observed even if regular brushing is carried out due to the effects of sugary, acidic or high caffeine-containing foods and beverages consumed during the day, medications taken or genetic factors. Teeth that turn from white to yellow and sometimes light brown cause the appearance of people to be negatively affected from an aesthetic point of view. Most people usually request a teeth whitening service.

Bleaching, a method developed to whiten teeth, has become a frequently applied treatment method in recent years and is the name given to the process of removing organic and inorganic substances formed on the enamel layer, which forms the surface of the teeth and has a porous structure, together with special gels.

Teeth Whitening (Bleaching) Process is done with which products and how?

Teeth whitening processes are divided into 2 main branches and the method to be applied to patients is determined according to the patient’s existing tooth color, tooth structure, gum health and the doctor’s opinion.

Teeth whitening methods;

  • Office Type: In this method, Bleaching, which is carried out in office environments, is the method performed with the help of whitening gel and laser light. While 3 to 4 tones of lightening are achieved in patients with yellow, gray or brown tooth color in a period of approximately 1 hour, this method is the fastest, most reliable and most effective method among Bleaching procedures.
  • Home Environment: It is the whitening process performed with gels placed in plastic mouthpieces in special sizes prepared by a specialist physician based on the oral health of the person. In this treatment method, which can last for 5 to 7 days in order for the patients to achieve the desired tooth whiteness, gel-filled plastic mouthpieces should be worn between 4 and 8 hours a day as recommended by the doctor. In this method, also known as Home Bleaching, the duration of the treatment and the wearing time of the mouthpiece vary according to the current color of the tooth and the whitening substance in the prepared gel.

Is Teeth Whitening (Bleaching) Applicable to Everyone?

Although whitening the teeth is a process demanded by everyone today, this process cannot be applied to everyone. In these processes, which are carried out using Hydrogen Peroxide and its derivatives, the oral health of the people should be at a good level.

  • Any gum disease
  • Lots of tooth decay
  • A severely carious tooth or
  • In this method, which cannot be applied to people with gingival sensitivity, patients need to be sure of their gingival health by going through a dentist’s control.

In addition, the Bleaching process cannot be applied to individuals under the age of 16, pregnant women, nursing mothers, people who have not completed their growth and development, and people who are allergic to bleach.

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